Gauss Integration 27 November 2018 This is master branch A Python example: def hello() print("Hello World!") A Julia example: using Pkg; Pkg.add("SymPy"); using SymPy; using LinearAlgebra; # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function gauss_integration(nGauss, dim) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # PURPOSE: # Determine Gauss point's coordinate and the corresponding Gauss weight # SYNTAX: # gauss_integration(nGauss, rGauss, dim) # INPUT: # nGauss: the number of Gauss point # dim : dimension of the problem (dim = 1 or dim = 2 or dim = 3) # OUPUT: # gausspoint_coordinate: The Gauss point's coordinate # gausspoint_weight: The Gauss point's weight #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Initiate gausspoint_coordinate and gausspoint_weight gausspoint_coordinate = zeros(nGauss^dim, dim) gausspoint_weight = Float64[]; # the integration domain is [-1 1] for all of direction: # ------------- Limit the number of Gauss point up to 5 -------------------- if (nGauss > 5) println("The number of Gauss point shouldn't be more than 5") end #------------- The number of Gauss point in one direction ----------------- if nGauss == 1 point = 0.0 weight = 2.0 j elseif nGauss == 2 point = [-0.577350269189626 0.577350269189626] weight = [1.0 1.0] elseif nGauss == 3 point = [ 0 -0.774596669241483 0.774596669241483]; weight = [8/9 5/9 5/9]; elseif nGauss == 4 point = [-0.3399810435848563 0.3399810435848563 -0.8611363115940526 0.8611363115940526]; weight = [0.6521451548625461 0.6521451548625461 0.3478548451374538 0.3478548451374538]; elseif nGauss == 5 point = [ 0 -0.5384693101056831 0.5384693101056831 -0.9061798459386640 0.9061798459386640]; weight = [0.5688888888888889 0.4786286704993665 0.4786286704993665 0.2369268850561891 0.2369268850561891]; end #-----------------------------DIMENSION ----------------------------------- # One dimension problem if dim == 1 for i = 1:nGauss gausspoint_coordinate[i,:] = [point[i]] push!(gausspoint_weight, weight[i]) end return gausspoint_coordinate, gausspoint_weight # Two dimension problem elseif dim == 2 n = 0 for i = 1:nGauss for j = 1:nGauss n = n + 1 gausspoint_coordinate[n,:] = [point[i] point[j]] push!(gausspoint_weight, weight[i] * weight[j]) end end return gausspoint_coordinate, gausspoint_weight # Three dimension problem elseif dim == 3 n = 0 for i = 1:nGauss for j = 1:nGauss for k = 1:nGauss n = n + 1 gausspoint_coordinate[n,:] = [point[i] point[j] point[k]] push!(gausspoint_weight, weight[i] * weight[j] * weight[k]) end end end return gausspoint_coordinate, gausspoint_weight end end #= Example1: Calculate the integration of f(x) = 0.2 + 25x - 200x^2 + 675x^3 - 900x^4 + 400x^5 here x = [-1, 1] =# nGauss = 3 dim = 1 gauss_point, gauss_weight = gauss_integration(nGauss, dim) f(x) = 0.2 + 25x - 200x^2 + 675x^3 - 900x^4 + 400x^5 I = 0 # loop over all of gauss points for i = 1:length(gauss_point) I = I + f(gauss_point[i]) * gauss_weight[i] end @show I # Analytical solution x = Sym("x") I_analytical = integrate( 0.2 + 25x - 200x^2 + 675x^3 - 900x^4 + 400x^5, (x, -1, 1)) @show I_analytical #= Example 2: Calculate the integration of f(x) = 0.2 + 25x - 200x^2 + 675x^3 - 900x^4 + 400x^5 where x = [0, 2] =# nGauss = 3 dim = 1 # function f f1(x) = 0.2 + 25x - 200x^2 + 675x^3 - 900x^4 + 400x^5 a = 0 # lower bound of the limit b = 2 # upper bound of the limit J = (b-a)/2 # Jacobian value I = 0 gauss_point, gauss_weight = gauss_integration(nGauss, dim) for i = 1:length(gauss_point) # loop over Gauss points x = (a+b)/2 + (b-a)/2* gauss_point[i] I = I + J * f1(x) * gauss_weight[i] end @show I # ANALYTICAL SOLUTION x = Sym("x") I_analytical = integrate(0.2 + 25x - 200x^2 + 675x^3 - 900x^4 + 400x^5,(x,0,2)) @show I_analytical #= Example 2: Calculate the integration of f(x) = 0.2 + 25x - 200x^2 + 675x^3 - 900x^4 + 400x^5 where x = [0, 2] =# # function f f1(x) = 0.2 + 25x - 200x^2 + 675x^3 - 900x^4 + 400x^5 a = 0 # lower bound of the limit b = 2 # upper bound of the limit J = (b-a)/2 # Jacobian value println("The number of Gauss Points is equal to the necessary one") # CHECK WITH THE LOWER NUMBER OF GAUSS POINT I = 0 nGauss = 3 dim = 1 gauss_point, gauss_weight = gauss_integration(nGauss, dim) for i = 1:length(gauss_point) # loop over Gauss points x = (a+b)/2 + (b-a)/2* gauss_point[i] I = I + J * f1(x) * gauss_weight[i] end @show I println("The number of Gauss Points is higher than the necessary one") # CHECK WITH THE HIGHER NUMBER OF GAUSS POINT I = 0 nGauss = 4 dim = 1 gauss_point, gauss_weight = gauss_integration(nGauss, dim) for i = 1:length(gauss_point) # loop over Gauss points x = (a+b)/2 + (b-a)/2* gauss_point[i] I = I + J * f1(x) * gauss_weight[i] end @show I println("The number of Gauss Points is less than the necessary one") # CHECK WITH THE LOWER NUMBER OF GAUSS POINT I = 0 nGauss = 2 dim = 1 gauss_point, gauss_weight = gauss_integration(nGauss, dim) for i = 1:length(gauss_point) # loop over Gauss points x = (a+b)/2 + (b-a)/2* gauss_point[i] I = I + J * f1(x) * gauss_weight[i] end @show I #= Example 3: Calculate the integration of f(x, y) = 0.2 + 25x - 200y^2 + 675x^3 - 900y^4 + 400x^5 where x = [-1, 1], y =[-1, 1] =# nGauss = 5 dim = 2 # function f f4(x,y) = 0.2 + 25x - 200y^2 + 657x^3 - 900y^4 + 400x^5 I = 0 gauss_point, gauss_weight = gauss_integration(nGauss, dim) for i = 1:length(gauss_weight) # loop over Gauss points I = I + f4(gauss_point[i,1], gauss_point[i,2]) * gauss_weight[i] end @show I #Analytical x = Sym("x") y = Sym("y") I_analytical = integrate(0.2 + 25x - 200y^2 + 657x^3 - 900y^4 + 400x^5, (x,-1,1), (y,-1,1)) @show I_analytical #= Example 4: Reference: Calculate integration of F = ∫∫dxdy, with the domain is limited by: x + y = 1 x + y = 2 2x - y = 1 2x - y = 3 =# ξ = Sym("xi") η = Sym("eta") # QUAD4 ELEMENT SHAPE FUNCTION? N1 = 1/4*(1-ξ)*(1-η) N2 = 1/4*(1+ξ)*(1-η) N3 = 1/4*(1+ξ)*(1+η) N4 = 1/4*(1-ξ)*(1+η) X =[4/3, 5/3, 1, 2/3] Y =[-1/3, 1/3, 1, 1/3] x = [N1 N2 N3 N4]*X y = [N1 N2 N3 N4]*Y J =[diff(x,ξ) diff(y,ξ); diff(x,η) diff(y,η)] # detJ contain ξ and η detJ = det(J) gauss_point, gauss_weight = gauss_integration(3,2) I = 0 for i = 1:length(gauss_weight) I += 1* detJ(gauss_point[i,1], gauss_point[i,2]) * gauss_weight[i] end @show I # ANALYTICAL SOLUTION @show I_analytical = integrate(detJ,(ξ,-1,1),(η,-1,1)) # Plot the domain of integartion in exercise 4 using PyPlot @show x = collect(range(0, stop = 3, length = 4)) @show y1 = [1-i for i in x] y2 = [2-i for i in x] y3 = [2i - 1 for i in x] y4 = [2i - 3 for i in x] #using PyPlot plot(x,y1 , label = "y=1-x") plot(x,y2 , label = "y=2-x") plot(x,y3 , label = "y=2x-1") plot(x,y4 , label = "y=2x-3") plot([1],[1],"o") text(0.9,1.3, "(1,1)") plot([4/3],[-1/3],"o") text(4/3+0.1,-1/3,"(4/3,-1/3)") plot([5/3],[1/3],"o") text(5/3+0.1,1/3,"(5/3,1/3)") plot([2/3],[1/3],"o") text(2/3+0.1,1/3,"(2/3,1/3)") xlabel("x") ylabel("y") tick_params(which = "both", direction = "in", color = "black") tick_params(which="major", length=7) tick_params(which="minor", length=3) grid(linestyle = "--", linewidth = 0.8, color = "grey") grid("on") minorticks_on() xlim(0,3) ylim(-2,2) legend() And this is a HTML example, with a linenumber: <html> <a href="">Example</a> </html> Read more: Lode Angle 日記-2018-11-30
Gauss Integration 27 November 2018 This is master branch A Python example: def hello() print("Hello World!") A Julia example: using Pkg; Pkg.add("SymPy"); using SymPy; using LinearAlgebra; # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function gauss_integration(nGauss, dim) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # PURPOSE: # Determine Gauss point's coordinate and the corresponding Gauss weight # SYNTAX: # gauss_integration(nGauss, rGauss, dim) # INPUT: # nGauss: the number of Gauss point # dim : dimension of the problem (dim = 1 or dim = 2 or dim = 3) # OUPUT: # gausspoint_coordinate: The Gauss point's coordinate # gausspoint_weight: The Gauss point's weight #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Initiate gausspoint_coordinate and gausspoint_weight gausspoint_coordinate = zeros(nGauss^dim, dim) gausspoint_weight = Float64[]; # the integration domain is [-1 1] for all of direction: # ------------- Limit the number of Gauss point up to 5 -------------------- if (nGauss > 5) println("The number of Gauss point shouldn't be more than 5") end #------------- The number of Gauss point in one direction ----------------- if nGauss == 1 point = 0.0 weight = 2.0 j elseif nGauss == 2 point = [-0.577350269189626 0.577350269189626] weight = [1.0 1.0] elseif nGauss == 3 point = [ 0 -0.774596669241483 0.774596669241483]; weight = [8/9 5/9 5/9]; elseif nGauss == 4 point = [-0.3399810435848563 0.3399810435848563 -0.8611363115940526 0.8611363115940526]; weight = [0.6521451548625461 0.6521451548625461 0.3478548451374538 0.3478548451374538]; elseif nGauss == 5 point = [ 0 -0.5384693101056831 0.5384693101056831 -0.9061798459386640 0.9061798459386640]; weight = [0.5688888888888889 0.4786286704993665 0.4786286704993665 0.2369268850561891 0.2369268850561891]; end #-----------------------------DIMENSION ----------------------------------- # One dimension problem if dim == 1 for i = 1:nGauss gausspoint_coordinate[i,:] = [point[i]] push!(gausspoint_weight, weight[i]) end return gausspoint_coordinate, gausspoint_weight # Two dimension problem elseif dim == 2 n = 0 for i = 1:nGauss for j = 1:nGauss n = n + 1 gausspoint_coordinate[n,:] = [point[i] point[j]] push!(gausspoint_weight, weight[i] * weight[j]) end end return gausspoint_coordinate, gausspoint_weight # Three dimension problem elseif dim == 3 n = 0 for i = 1:nGauss for j = 1:nGauss for k = 1:nGauss n = n + 1 gausspoint_coordinate[n,:] = [point[i] point[j] point[k]] push!(gausspoint_weight, weight[i] * weight[j] * weight[k]) end end end return gausspoint_coordinate, gausspoint_weight end end #= Example1: Calculate the integration of f(x) = 0.2 + 25x - 200x^2 + 675x^3 - 900x^4 + 400x^5 here x = [-1, 1] =# nGauss = 3 dim = 1 gauss_point, gauss_weight = gauss_integration(nGauss, dim) f(x) = 0.2 + 25x - 200x^2 + 675x^3 - 900x^4 + 400x^5 I = 0 # loop over all of gauss points for i = 1:length(gauss_point) I = I + f(gauss_point[i]) * gauss_weight[i] end @show I # Analytical solution x = Sym("x") I_analytical = integrate( 0.2 + 25x - 200x^2 + 675x^3 - 900x^4 + 400x^5, (x, -1, 1)) @show I_analytical #= Example 2: Calculate the integration of f(x) = 0.2 + 25x - 200x^2 + 675x^3 - 900x^4 + 400x^5 where x = [0, 2] =# nGauss = 3 dim = 1 # function f f1(x) = 0.2 + 25x - 200x^2 + 675x^3 - 900x^4 + 400x^5 a = 0 # lower bound of the limit b = 2 # upper bound of the limit J = (b-a)/2 # Jacobian value I = 0 gauss_point, gauss_weight = gauss_integration(nGauss, dim) for i = 1:length(gauss_point) # loop over Gauss points x = (a+b)/2 + (b-a)/2* gauss_point[i] I = I + J * f1(x) * gauss_weight[i] end @show I # ANALYTICAL SOLUTION x = Sym("x") I_analytical = integrate(0.2 + 25x - 200x^2 + 675x^3 - 900x^4 + 400x^5,(x,0,2)) @show I_analytical #= Example 2: Calculate the integration of f(x) = 0.2 + 25x - 200x^2 + 675x^3 - 900x^4 + 400x^5 where x = [0, 2] =# # function f f1(x) = 0.2 + 25x - 200x^2 + 675x^3 - 900x^4 + 400x^5 a = 0 # lower bound of the limit b = 2 # upper bound of the limit J = (b-a)/2 # Jacobian value println("The number of Gauss Points is equal to the necessary one") # CHECK WITH THE LOWER NUMBER OF GAUSS POINT I = 0 nGauss = 3 dim = 1 gauss_point, gauss_weight = gauss_integration(nGauss, dim) for i = 1:length(gauss_point) # loop over Gauss points x = (a+b)/2 + (b-a)/2* gauss_point[i] I = I + J * f1(x) * gauss_weight[i] end @show I println("The number of Gauss Points is higher than the necessary one") # CHECK WITH THE HIGHER NUMBER OF GAUSS POINT I = 0 nGauss = 4 dim = 1 gauss_point, gauss_weight = gauss_integration(nGauss, dim) for i = 1:length(gauss_point) # loop over Gauss points x = (a+b)/2 + (b-a)/2* gauss_point[i] I = I + J * f1(x) * gauss_weight[i] end @show I println("The number of Gauss Points is less than the necessary one") # CHECK WITH THE LOWER NUMBER OF GAUSS POINT I = 0 nGauss = 2 dim = 1 gauss_point, gauss_weight = gauss_integration(nGauss, dim) for i = 1:length(gauss_point) # loop over Gauss points x = (a+b)/2 + (b-a)/2* gauss_point[i] I = I + J * f1(x) * gauss_weight[i] end @show I #= Example 3: Calculate the integration of f(x, y) = 0.2 + 25x - 200y^2 + 675x^3 - 900y^4 + 400x^5 where x = [-1, 1], y =[-1, 1] =# nGauss = 5 dim = 2 # function f f4(x,y) = 0.2 + 25x - 200y^2 + 657x^3 - 900y^4 + 400x^5 I = 0 gauss_point, gauss_weight = gauss_integration(nGauss, dim) for i = 1:length(gauss_weight) # loop over Gauss points I = I + f4(gauss_point[i,1], gauss_point[i,2]) * gauss_weight[i] end @show I #Analytical x = Sym("x") y = Sym("y") I_analytical = integrate(0.2 + 25x - 200y^2 + 657x^3 - 900y^4 + 400x^5, (x,-1,1), (y,-1,1)) @show I_analytical #= Example 4: Reference: Calculate integration of F = ∫∫dxdy, with the domain is limited by: x + y = 1 x + y = 2 2x - y = 1 2x - y = 3 =# ξ = Sym("xi") η = Sym("eta") # QUAD4 ELEMENT SHAPE FUNCTION? N1 = 1/4*(1-ξ)*(1-η) N2 = 1/4*(1+ξ)*(1-η) N3 = 1/4*(1+ξ)*(1+η) N4 = 1/4*(1-ξ)*(1+η) X =[4/3, 5/3, 1, 2/3] Y =[-1/3, 1/3, 1, 1/3] x = [N1 N2 N3 N4]*X y = [N1 N2 N3 N4]*Y J =[diff(x,ξ) diff(y,ξ); diff(x,η) diff(y,η)] # detJ contain ξ and η detJ = det(J) gauss_point, gauss_weight = gauss_integration(3,2) I = 0 for i = 1:length(gauss_weight) I += 1* detJ(gauss_point[i,1], gauss_point[i,2]) * gauss_weight[i] end @show I # ANALYTICAL SOLUTION @show I_analytical = integrate(detJ,(ξ,-1,1),(η,-1,1)) # Plot the domain of integartion in exercise 4 using PyPlot @show x = collect(range(0, stop = 3, length = 4)) @show y1 = [1-i for i in x] y2 = [2-i for i in x] y3 = [2i - 1 for i in x] y4 = [2i - 3 for i in x] #using PyPlot plot(x,y1 , label = "y=1-x") plot(x,y2 , label = "y=2-x") plot(x,y3 , label = "y=2x-1") plot(x,y4 , label = "y=2x-3") plot([1],[1],"o") text(0.9,1.3, "(1,1)") plot([4/3],[-1/3],"o") text(4/3+0.1,-1/3,"(4/3,-1/3)") plot([5/3],[1/3],"o") text(5/3+0.1,1/3,"(5/3,1/3)") plot([2/3],[1/3],"o") text(2/3+0.1,1/3,"(2/3,1/3)") xlabel("x") ylabel("y") tick_params(which = "both", direction = "in", color = "black") tick_params(which="major", length=7) tick_params(which="minor", length=3) grid(linestyle = "--", linewidth = 0.8, color = "grey") grid("on") minorticks_on() xlim(0,3) ylim(-2,2) legend() And this is a HTML example, with a linenumber: <html> <a href="">Example</a> </html>