Coding syntax 22 February 2018 This is master branch A Python example: def hello() print("Hello World!") A Julia example: function hello() print("Hello World!") end type CamClay a::Int b::Vector{Int} end function generate_mesh_fdt(nx::Int, ny::Int) pts = Point[ Point([0.0, 0.0], 4.0), Point([2.5, 0.0], 1.0), Point([2.5, 3.0], 4.0), Point([0.0, 3.0], 7.0),] # note: the more element, the more exact load, in the tendency to increase the load # because we are using the strain displacement, to get the sum of load, the adequate number of element is necessary surf = Surface{Quad4}(pts..., nx, ny) nodes = numbering!(surf) elements = get_elements(surf) bottom = get_elements(surf[1:end,1]) top = get_elements(surf[1:end,end]) left = get_elements(surf[1,1:end]) right = get_elements(surf[end,1:end]) top_load = [] for i = 1:nx y = hcat(top[i]["geometry"][1]...)[1,:][2] if (y<= 0.5 ) push!(top_load, top[i]) end end plot_mesh(elements, top_load) return nodes, elements, bottom, top_load, left, right end """ Elastic \alpha + \beta = 1 """ function De(model::CamClay, x::Int) return ones(1,4) end And this is a HTML example, with a linenumber: <html> <a href="">Example</a> </html> Read more: Add Pdf file Markdown - Kramdown example
Coding syntax 22 February 2018 This is master branch A Python example: def hello() print("Hello World!") A Julia example: function hello() print("Hello World!") end type CamClay a::Int b::Vector{Int} end function generate_mesh_fdt(nx::Int, ny::Int) pts = Point[ Point([0.0, 0.0], 4.0), Point([2.5, 0.0], 1.0), Point([2.5, 3.0], 4.0), Point([0.0, 3.0], 7.0),] # note: the more element, the more exact load, in the tendency to increase the load # because we are using the strain displacement, to get the sum of load, the adequate number of element is necessary surf = Surface{Quad4}(pts..., nx, ny) nodes = numbering!(surf) elements = get_elements(surf) bottom = get_elements(surf[1:end,1]) top = get_elements(surf[1:end,end]) left = get_elements(surf[1,1:end]) right = get_elements(surf[end,1:end]) top_load = [] for i = 1:nx y = hcat(top[i]["geometry"][1]...)[1,:][2] if (y<= 0.5 ) push!(top_load, top[i]) end end plot_mesh(elements, top_load) return nodes, elements, bottom, top_load, left, right end """ Elastic \alpha + \beta = 1 """ function De(model::CamClay, x::Int) return ones(1,4) end And this is a HTML example, with a linenumber: <html> <a href="">Example</a> </html>